
Showing posts from February, 2015

Day 3: The least of our Brothers

“And the king will say to them in reply, “Amen I say to you, whatever you did for the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40 We're not judged by how well we treat our friends. Virtue demands a much higher standard. We don’t have to like everyone we encounter, but we do have to love them, and be able to recognize that they are indeed people God created and loves. This principle applies even to those who consider themselves enemies of us and our way of life. We love and pray for our enemies. It’s a difficult calling, but one that Jesus embraced during his crucifixion when he prayed for his executioners. Good wins by being good in the face of evil. Charity wins by being charitable even when it’s difficult, especially when it’s difficult.  I can’t help but notice during Jesus’ ministry how he seeked the least in society at every opportunity he could, whether it was the tax collector Zacchaeus, who was despised by many during this time, or the leper

Day 2: Money without wealth, Wealth without Money

“One acts rich but has nothing, another acts poor but has great wealth” Proverbs 13:7 Blessed are the Poor in Spirit. Some of the poorest people in the world have the most money. The more one looks for satisfaction in the things of this world, the less grounded one becomes in the things necessary to attain eternal life. Is it a sin to have a lot of money in this world? No, but the challenge of living a life according to God’s standard increases. I can’t help but think of my time on midnight run two years ago when I read this passage. I had the opportunity to meet and help out, in at least a small way, people who had seemingly lost everything. It’s still difficult for me to understand the depths of which one has to fall to end up on the streets, homeless. I can’t imagine living a life like that and being happy. Every single homeless person I met however, was happy. Somehow, without all of the things that I subconsciously deem essential to life, they can remain happy and whole p

Day 1: "You are not far from the Kingdom of God"

"And to love him with all your heart, with all your understanding, with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself' is worth more than all burnt offerings and sacrifices. (33) and when Jesus saw that he answered with understanding, he said to him 'You are not far from the kingdom of God'" Mark 12:33 I like the conflict Jesus has with many of the scribes and pharisees throughout the Gospels because it fits lent so well. There's a difference between glorifying God and glorifying one's self. I often feel like it's the people who are under-appreciated for the work that they do who are the closest to God (parents, clergy, lay ministers, everyday ordinary people). It's charity motivated by love, not glory or recognition that is best in the eyes of God. There are numerous examples of this in scripture going all the way back to the sacrifices offered by Cain and Abel. Earlier In this passage a scribe, trying to challenge Jesus, asks him w