Day 3: The least of our Brothers

“And the king will say to them in reply, “Amen I say to you, whatever you did for the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40

We're not judged by how well we treat our friends. Virtue demands a much higher standard. We don’t have to like everyone we encounter, but we do have to love them, and be able to recognize that they are indeed people God created and loves. This principle applies even to those who consider themselves enemies of us and our way of life. We love and pray for our enemies. It’s a difficult calling, but one that Jesus embraced during his crucifixion when he prayed for his executioners.

Good wins by being good in the face of evil. Charity wins by being charitable even when it’s difficult, especially when it’s difficult. 

I can’t help but notice during Jesus’ ministry how he seeked the least in society at every opportunity he could, whether it was the tax collector Zacchaeus, who was despised by many during this time, or the lepers who were outcast from all social circles. Additionally during Thomas’s skepticism after the resurrection, Jesus during his next appearance to the disciples went immediately to him to say I’m truly present. 

He wanted to be closest to those in most need of Him. We must care for the least among us with great love.


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