Day 1: "You are not far from the Kingdom of God"

"And to love him with all your heart, with all your understanding, with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself' is worth more than all burnt offerings and sacrifices. (33) and when Jesus saw that he answered with understanding, he said to him 'You are not far from the kingdom of God'" Mark 12:33
I like the conflict Jesus has with many of the scribes and pharisees throughout the Gospels because it fits lent so well. There's a difference between glorifying God and glorifying one's self. I often feel like it's the people who are under-appreciated for the work that they do who are the closest to God (parents, clergy, lay ministers, everyday ordinary people). It's charity motivated by love, not glory or recognition that is best in the eyes of God. There are numerous examples of this in scripture going all the way back to the sacrifices offered by Cain and Abel.

Earlier In this passage a scribe, trying to challenge Jesus, asks him which of the commandments is greatest. When Jesus answers and sees that the scribe has come to understanding and acceptance of what he said, He says perhaps one of the most powerful words in scripture: 'You are not far from the Kingdom of God.'

Everything we do in this life, for God, for each other, for ourselves is lost if it is not done with love. I put this into the category of easy to understand, hard to put into practice kind of verses.

This is an important message for this time of year because I hear quite frequently all the things people plan to give up for lent, and it's wonderful. I hope everyone has something to do to make lent meaningful on a personal level. Just remember though that all of it is secondary if you don't have love in your heart. Be a light in this world not so people can see you, but so that they can see God.


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